About Us

Larry & Marla Johnson
Together on the field since 1987
After serving in their home church, for many years in the ministry of helps they received the call to full time ministry in missions. They are licensed and ordained through their home church, Generations Church in Spring Texas.
They lived and worked in Mexico for the first 5+ years of their ministry. There, they founded, pastored and built a thriving church, which is now under the pastorate of a Mexican national. They lived for 5 years in Honduras. After seeing the great need for training among pastors and leadership they began "Flames of Fire" School of Ministry. They ran the school as a residential style school for 4 years until the Lord spoke to their hearts to move to Guatemala.
They have been living in Guatemala since 1998. Flames of Fire ministry has developed into evangelism, medical teams, church planting and church ministry as they minister in Eastern Guatemala and Central America meeting the needs of the people.
With evangelism strong in their hearts, and a burning desire to reach not only Guatemala and Central America as well as the uttermost parts of the world. Larry and Marla utilize many different forms of evangelism. Street evangelism, tracts and evangelistic seminars that train others to win the lost are just some of the ways they use to get the gospel out. Through the years spent in Mexico and Central America they have seen thousands of people accept Christ.
They help plant and build churches. You can read about these churches on the Church Plants page. They also have numerous feeding centers in the starving, drought-stricken region of Eastern Guatemala.
Larry & Marla are very dedicated to the local pastor. Pastor Seminars are extremely needed in the mountain villages of Guatemala and Central America as a whole. Often it is the only form of preparation that the pastors have. The pastors are so hungry for teaching that they come from remote villages, walking as much as 4 to 6 hours to be in the seminars.
As well as training pastors and church leadership, there is a tremendous need for teaching in the local church. So, Larry and Marla frequently find themselves ministering within local churches, carrying biblical truths to oftentimes remote village churches.
In addition to street witnessing, pastor seminars, the school of ministry, and ministering in local churches, Larry and Marla organize and host short term missions teams for the states. The focus on these short term teams range from evangelistic outreaches with dramas and puppets to construction and even Ladies Seminars. Short term missions fill a unique need on the mission field. It also aids the local missionaries in reaching villages with the gospel. Medical missions is also a very useful method of reaching communities with the gospel of Jesus Christ. It provides much needed medical care free of charge as well as free medicine and gives a unique opportunity to present the gospel to a sector of the community that would not otherwise come into a church building.